Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Making an Abomination Still More Abominable

Why, God? WHY? For the record, check out the Best Website Ever*, IHateCrocs.

I'll let the cat do the talking:

*Until something better comes along. I have the attention span of a goldfish.

Sleazy Made Easy

AshleyMadison.com is a website for married couples... who want to have Teh SexyTimez with other married people.


Get this: they even have a panic button, so if your spouse sneaks up on you while you're browsin' for fresh meat, you won't get a bruisin' to go with it. An office supplies website pops up to replace the AshleyMadison window and simultaneously covers your ass.

And, as an afterthought: the site's slogan reads "Life is short, have an affair".

Really, people? Really?

I have a more fitting suggestion: "Life is short, catch an incurable disease."

Herpes, the gift that keeps on giving!

To make matters worse, the site's president is a total creeper (he also appeared on a January 26th airing of the Maury Show in an interview with correspondent Egypt.